3rd Stage: Plymouth 5th and 6th October, sign up for the Privateers Cup. SIGN UP NOW


Preliminary Rules for the Boatlife Fishing Championship and Privateers Cup

These rules are still under review and final copies will be provided to entrants and updated on the website in due course.


The Boatlife Fishing Championship comprises of a factory team league of 8 Events across 4 locations, with an individual privateers cup at each location. The Championship prides itself on showcasing the very best of boat angling, from the technology utilised all the way to the fish handling and sustainable practices throughout. The terms, conditions and rules reflect this and the Championship aims to show the very best sides of angling.

Championship and Event Terms and Conditions

The Championship/Event Terms and Conditions detailed below apply to all purchasers of an entry in a BoatLife Fishing Event or Championship as well as participants, attendees or anglers (hereinafter called “Angler”) participating in any BoatLife Fishing Championship (“Boatlife”, “we”, “us”, “our”) fishing Event or Championship.

The act of purchasing an entry through the BoatLife online booking system or completing an entry form, prior to or on the day of an Event, and/or signing in at registration, on the day of an Event, is taken as acknowledgement that each Angler accepts these Event Conditions.

Anglers must be aged 16+ years of age on the date of their chosen competition or else 11+ years of age and accompanied by a guardian of 18+ in BoatLife categories that permit entrants under 16 years. Evidence of age may be requested on the day of the Event.

Cancellation/Refunds: Anglers may cancel an entry by email [email protected], including the Anglers name, Event entry number, postcode, and the name of the Event for which the Angler would like to cancel their entry. We require 4 weeks notice for privateers and 12 weeks notice for Factory Teams, prior to the Event, in order to process a refund. Any notification outside of this time scale will not be entitled to receive a refund. Please note: there is no secondary market for the sale or transfer of any Event entries.

We reserve the right to cancel any event, due to extreme weather or water conditions, insufficient Angler numbers, or circumstances outside of our control. In such an occurrence, each Anglers entry with be automatically moved to any rescheduled event. If an Angler cannot make the rescheduled event, they shall be entitled to a full refund.

Anglers are responsible for their own personal conduct.

Each Angler is fully responsible for their actions and personal belongings whilst attending the Event. This includes whilst at the Event HQ and during the Event itself. We do not accept responsibility for the actions of the participant nor the consequences of such actions.

Each Angler signing-on at registration, on the day of an event, agrees that they are physically and mentally fit and capable of participating in the event.

Anglers must comply with all rules of their specific competition. Further details can be found on the booking page for each specific Event.

Anglers agree to receive pre-event and promotional communications from BoatLife or its agents via email.

Each Angler agrees to assign and grant the right and permission for BoatLife to use and publish any photographs/film/video/electronic representations and/or sound recordings of the Angler, for any reason and in any format. The Angler hereby releases BoatLife from any and all liability from such use and promotion. The Angler hereby authorises the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage and/or distribution of said photographs/film/video tapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of BoatLife.

The Angler specifically waives any right to any compensation for appearing in any of the photographs/film/video/electronic representations and/or sound recordings used by BoatLife.

No liability whatsoever shall attach to BoatLife, any event sponsor, or any event official in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by the Angler in or by reason of the event, unless such injury, loss or damage is proven to be caused by the negligence of the aforementioned.

Anglers should note that BoatLife is insured for public liability risks in connection with this Championship and each individual Event. Anglers require their own insurance pursuant to rule 3.1.

Glossary of defined terms

Any word capitalised within this document is a defined term.

Entry Requirements

1.1 Minimum age

The minimum age of a competitor is 16 years old, or 11 within the privateers event when accompanied by a responsible guardian of at least 18 years old. The Insurance conditions laid out in clause 3.1 will apply regardless of age.

1.2 Entry fees

Entry fees must have been settled, in full, by a communicated date ahead of the Event in order to compete. Entry will be refused to anyone with an account that has not been fully settled by this date.

1.3 Insurances

See section 3 for all insurance requirements that must be met for a valid entry into an event. Evidence of insurances and expiration dates will be taken at the first Event competed in and will be logged for all future Events prior to expiration to save on resubmission.

1.4 Vessel requirements  – Privateers cup

There will be vessel limitations for the Privateers Cup, minimum size boat 4.6M Ridged 30HP..

1.5 Marshal Discretion

Entry may be refused to the event for a team or individual under the marshal’s discretion. This may be down to suitability or seaworthiness of a vessel, or cases where an individual’s participation risks bringing the Championship or Event into disrepute. Such decisions will be communicated at the earliest opportunity and BoatLife holds no responsibility for any losses incurred as a result.

2 Code of Conduct

BoatLife Fishing Championship will be aligning to the Angling Trust’s Code of Conduct for anglers

3 Insurance and qualification requirements

3.1 Public Indemnity Insurance

Each angler as well as the skipper of each vessel must have public liability insurance to a value of £10m in order to compete. The easiest way to obtain this is with individual membership of the Angling Trust.

Evidence of insurance will be required from each competitor at sign on.

3.2 Boat Insurance

The owner/skipper of each vessel must have adequate insurance that covers potential damages to your boat, third-party property, and injuries caused by your vessel. It is the owner/skippers responsibility to check the terms of mooring at any marina used for the purposes of the competition and ensure they meet their required insurance terms.

3.3 VHF License

At least one person aboard each vessel must hold a valid VHF License. Evidence of this must be provided at sign on.

3.4 Appropriate Travel Insurance

BoatLife recommends appropriate travel insurance and/or booking accommodation that allows late cancellations. Boat events are very reliant on the weather and in extreme circumstances BoatLife reserves the right to cancel an event in the interests of safety.

4. Adverse weather conditions

4.1 Changes to rules

Changes to the nature and rules of each event may change as a result of adverse weather conditions. These will be communicated as soon as is practically possible, but no later than 7am on the morning of the event. Changes will only be made in the interest of the safety of the competitors.

4.2 Amendments to zones during active events

It may be necessary for the marshals to restrict the zone of the event whilst it is already underway. For instance, if a body of water takes on an increased risk than previously forecast. Such changes will be communicated by VHF on the agreed event channel and via text message to competitors.

4.3 Judged on the smallest participating boat

The marshal’s decisions on changes owing to weather conditions shall be based on the safety of the smallest boat within each event. Changes may only be applied to the privateer’s cup when this is running concurrently, as the boats will be smaller.

4.4 Event cancellation

In extreme cases, it may prove necessary to completely cancel an event. Such decisions will be communicated as soon as practically possible, but no later than 7am on the morning of the event. cancellations will only be made in the interest of the safety of the competitors. BoatLife will not be liable for any incurred costs of travel and accommodation in the case of a cancelled event. See rule 3.4.

5. Safety and distress calls

5.1 Required equipment on each boat

All boats will be checked ahead of the commencement of the event to ensure they have a working VHF radio, appropriate navigational electronics, a first aid kit, enough life jackets for all onboard and for general sea worthiness, serviced fire extinguisher in date, anchor and chain, a manually operated bailer and an audible warning device.

5.2 It is the responsibility of all boats to respond to a distress call Any boats deemed to have ignored a distress call will be considered for disqualification by the Marshals.

5.3 If it is necessary to return to land during an Event, then you must inform a marshal the Failure to inform the Marshals may result in you being unable to return to the event.

6. Measuring Fish:

6.1: Approved measures

Official BoatLife Event Measures will be provided. All measures are signed out and signed back in at the end of the competition, any missing measures will incur a penalty. Any evidence of tampering with the Event Measure will lead to Investigation and will be cause for Expulsion from the Event and/or Championship.

6.2: Unit of measure

The unit of measure used on BoatLife Event Measures will be centimetres (cm). Only full cm will be used, with fish rounded to the next full cm.

6.3: Hands on fish

There may be no more than two hands on a fish for measuring, with no more than one angler handling a Boated Fish during measuring. The hands must be positioned in a way that allows a continuous unbroken view of the full length of the fish and the measure with fingers spread.

6.4 Fish obscuring the measure

If the size of a fish alone obscures the measure beneath then it should be lowered on the measure allowing for an unbroken view of the cm. When measuring a large flat fish or Ray where the measure is obscured the supplied meter rule is required to be placed next to the measure to prove accuracy.

6.5 Positioning fish for measurement

6.5.1 Round fish

Round fish must be placed either on a flank, such as for bass, bream, cod, or with their underside down for fish such as Boatable Shark Species, gurnards, dragonets. The furthest part forward of the head must make contact with the End Plate of the Event Measure. The caudal fin (tail) of the fish should lay naturally and not be manipulated.

6.5.2 Skates and rays

Skates and rays are measured wing tip to wing tip. One wing tip must be touching the End Plate of the Event Measure, the supplied meter rule is required to be placed next to the measure to prove accuracy.

6.5.3 Flatfish

Flatfish should be placed bottom side down on the measure, with the further part forward of the head touching the End Plate of the Event Measure. The caudal fin (tail) should lay naturally and not be manipulated.

6.5.4 Tope

Due to the time of year and the high possibility of Tope pupping, all Tope will automatically be given a length of 1 metre, irrespective of their size. No Tope is to be brought on board, the Tope must be brought alongside the boat in the water and picture taken of the fish with the day card clearly visible.

6.6 Rounding of measurements

6.6.1 Rounding to the nearest CM

All fish are rounded up to the nearest cm i.e., if the measure shows 74.5cm the fish with count at 75cm.

6.7 Fish not touching the End Plate of the Event Measure

If the lip or wing species dependant is not touching the stop the fish will be disqualified.

6.8 In Focus Photos

Photos being in focus are critical. Camera phones are very good at this and tapping on an area of the fish or measure will ensure good focus. We must be able to read the measure in the photo and we must be able to identify a fish.

PLEASE DO NOT use modes such as ‘portrait’ on an iPhone, or any other modes that produce a large aperture ‘bokeh’ effect. This is the effect that gives a very shallow depth of field, blurring the background. Photos taken with these effects can focus solely on the fish laying on the measure, leaving the measure unreadable. If we cannot read the measure or identify the fish from the photos provided, they will be rejected.

7. Penalties and disqualifications

7.1 Penalties

Penalties will be issued at the discretion of the marshals for any breaches of the rules where the severity is not deemed to warrant disqualification, or where there has not been a clear show of intent.

Along with the rules, including Event specific rules, competitors will be expected to follow the instructions of marshals at all times, and failure to do so in a prompt manner will also result in a penalty.

Bringing the Events of the Championship into disrepute can also result in penalties.

7.2 Types of penalty

Penalties will be assessed on their individual merit but can include Championship points deductions or Event score deductions. The Marshals reserve the right to assign any penalty they deem to be fit for the circumstances.

7.3 Disqualifications

Disqualifications are the most extreme penalty. They are reserved for deliberate breaching of the rules, or where individual safety of oneself or others is put at risk. Extreme incidents of poor fish care will also be considered for disqualification, along with repeatable build-up of smaller penalties.

7.4 No resubmissions will be permitted at the competition, if a fish is disqualified for any reason you may not resubmit that same fish.

8 Specific Event Rules


The council aren’t charging a registration fee for the slipway and are reducing the launch fee to £20. You can get a competition wristband from us at the marina office onsite and will need a copy of proof of insurance when you arrive at the slipway

Conwy Saturday Event Rules: Factory Teams Species Hunt

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the
  • Teams must have 3 – 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by most species caught, size is irrelevant, and each fish must simply be photographed with the competitors match card in sight and the fish clearly
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the team that caught the first fish of the day will win. Same applies no matter how many teams are tied.
  • The winner scores 1 point for the Championship, second place 2 points, third place 3 points and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 points added to the score of the team. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team.
Conwy Sunday Event Rules: Factory Teams Specimen Hunt
  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the
  • Teams must have 3 – 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a team’s best 3 specimens of the 5 stated species. Countable Species: Ray, Bass, Smooth Hound, Bull Huss/Dog Fish and Tope. (Bull Huss and Dog Fish have been assigned to the same category therefore either fish caught will count towards the 3 specimens for this category)
  • In the event of a tie, the team with the total longest Tope submitted will win the tie, if there is still at tie it will be determined by total length of Smooth Hound
  • The winner scores 1 point for the Championship, second place 2 points, third place 3 points and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team.

Conwy Privateer Cup Event Rules: Specimen Hunt

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the
  • Minimum size for entry – Boat – 4.6M Ridged 30HP
  • Teams may have 2-4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a team’s best 3 specimens of the 5 stated species. Countable Species: Ray, Bass, Smooth Hound, Bull Huss/Dog Fish and Tope. (Bull Huss and Dog Fish have been assigned to the same category therefore either fish caught will count towards the 3 specimens for this category)
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the team with the total longest Tope submitted will win the tie, if there is still a tie it will be determined by total length of Smooth Hound
  • The winner scores 1 point for the Championship, second place 2 points, third place 3 points and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team.

Cowes Saturday Event Rules: Elasmobranchs

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams combined length of 1 of any species of elasmobranch (sharks, rays, skate), e..g your teams best dogfish, hound, tope, undulate, thornback and so on. 5cm will be added for the documented landing of any tagged elasmobranch where full tag details are taken.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Cowes Sunday Event Rules: Black bream and bass

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams combined length of their best 5 black bream and 5 bass. 5cm will be added for the documented landing of any tagged black bream where full tag details are taken.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Cowes Privateer Cup Event Rules: Elasmobranchs

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 2-4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams combined length of 1 of any species of elasmobranch (sharks, rays, skate), e..g your teams best dogfish, hound, tope, undulate, thornback and so on. 5cm will be added for the documented landing of any tagged elasmobranch where full tag details are taken.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Plymouth Saturday Event Rules: Flatfish and Rays

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams combined length of their best 3 flatfish and best 3 ray. If weather permits, this is likely to result in turbot and blondes, but keeps open flounder and thornbacks if we are restricted. All flatfish and ray(skate) species count.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Plymouth Sunday Event Rules: Longest fish handicap

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams single longest fish, but here’s the catch, the longest of that species by a competitor will be deducted from your length! The key is to catch something both big and unique, or uniquely big. A 120cm tope will score just 10cm if a 110cm fish is also recorded, so get as many species recorded as possible as you won’t know your best scoring fish until you know others results.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Plymouth Privateer Cup Event Rules

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 2-4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams single longest fish, but here’s the catch, the longest of that species by a competitor will be deducted from your length! The key is to catch something both big and unique, or uniquely big. A 120cm tope will score just 10cm if a 110cm fish is also recorded, so get as many species recorded as possible as you won’t know your best scoring fish until you know others results.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Guernsey Friday Event Rules: All about bass

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams combined length of all bass exceeding 55cm. Anything under this size does not need to be recorded.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Guernsey Saturday Event Rules: Species hunt

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams must have 4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by most species caught, size is irrelevant and each fish must simply be photographed with the competitors match card in sight and the fish clearly identifiable.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

Guernsey Privateer Cup Event Rules

  • 4 rods per boat, any number of extra rods may be set up with a single link on the end of the line.
  • Teams may have 2-4 anglers on board
  • Any angler may use any rod
  • Maximum 3 hooks per rod
  • Pennels count as 2 hooks
  • Trebles are not permitted
  • Any circle hook over 6/0 in size must have the barb crushed
  • This event will be determined by a teams best 3 specimens of 3 different species. These will be based on length and a card will be provided to you to show the score that each species of respective lengths score. The score of your best 3 fish will give the teams total for the day.
  • Recording fish will be done via the Angling Live app. Instructions will be issued ahead of the event and be on your match card.
  • In the event of a tie, the soonest to have submitted their last fish will determine a winner.
  • The winner scores 1 for the Championship, second place 2, third place 3 and so on. A team that doesn’t record any fish will have 5 added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish. A non-attending team has 10 points added to the score of the team in last place who has successfully recorded a fish.

BoatLife Fishing Championship – Event Postponement Announcement

3rd Stage: Plymouth 5th and 6th October, sign up for the Privateers Cup. SIGN UP NOW